Conference chair
Professor John Thøgersen, Dr.merc., PhD, MSc (Econ)
John Thøgersen is professor of economic psychology at the Department of Management, Aarhus University. He is coordinator of the Marketing and Sustainability Research Group at the Department of Management. Moreover, he is connected to MAPP – Centre for research on customer relations in the food sector.
Conference co-chair
Professor, PhD, MSc (Social sciences)
Stefan Pfattheicher is professor at the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University. He is director of the Centre for Integrative Business Psychology at Aarhus BSS.
The conference is supported by the Department of Management, the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, the School of Business and Social Sciences (Aarhus BSS) at Aarhus University, and the Carlsberg Foundation.
John Thøgersen (Chair of the Conference)
Stefan Pfattheicher (Co-chair of the Conference)
Giuseppe Carrus
Terry Hartig
Sabine Pahl
Marino Bonaiuto
John Thøgersen
(Chair of the Conference)
Stefan Pfattheicher
(Co-chair of the Conference)
Jessica Aschemann-Witzel
Panos Mitkidis
Catalin Mihai Stancu
Alice Grønhøj
Laila Nockur
Karolina Scigala
Giuseppe Carrus
Terry Hartig
Sabine Pahl
Marino Bonaiuto
Lorraine Whitmarsh
Wesley Schultz
Lindsay McCunn
Florian Kaiser
Jeffrey Joireman
Sander van der Linden
Bob Gifford
Henk Staats
Silvia Collado Salas
Isabel Richter
Birgitta Gatersleben
Linda Steg
Gerhard Reese
Taciano Milfont
Annika Nordlund
Andreas Nilsson
Lars-Olof Johansson
Gisela Böhm
Ricardo Garcia Mira
Victor Corral Verdugo
Immo Fritsche
Adina Dumitru
Edward Edgerton
Kristian Nielsen
Bernardo Hernandez
Massimiliano Scopelliti
Meike Janssen
Laura Henn
Fanny Lalot
Cameron Brick
Wilhelm Hofmann
Ellen Matthies
Lise Jans
Florian Lange